Who knows what tomorrow will bring…

While doing the dishes one day, I kept wondering about Joe Biden. He is not what I would call the most able anything man. And in spite of modern technologies he could drop stone cold dead in a (excuse the tern) heartbeat.

Now if that unfortunate occasion were to arise, then the laws of replacement would grind on and Kamala would rise from her spot as President. (See Virginia, almost anyone can become President if they laugh loud enough). But wait, who would take her place? Why Speaker of the House Mike Johnson. What? You’ve never heard of him. Well, don’t worry. He may be gone in the not too distant future over Republican divisions in the House.

So, who knows….

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Voyager 1 & 2

Beneath a sphere of ever growing darkness, one trillion years in the future, two artifacts of a long dead civilization bear silent witness to a dying Universe!

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Slowly he turns…

‘Dan the Man’ slowly got up from his work-desk being extra careful with his legs and feet. Ever since that morning almost two years ago when he suffered a stroke, it was increasingly difficult to walk. “Welcome to 74”, he thought as he shuffled off to the kitchen for something to eat.

A few minutes later he was back at his desk, staring at his screen, where he was writing a diary of sorts. He realized that there wasn’t much to look forward to in life. Let’s see FedEx had just dropped of a package that a Media-com tech was to install this coming Monday. And there was Double Dash, who was due Friday with goodies. Golly gee. So much to do, so little time.

Old man Dan looked at the internet, surfing a cornucopia of potential topics to cover. Suddenly Biden came bubbling to the surface. Ah yes, that bumbling nabob of political insanity, cocooned in a layer of protection based on the dregs of the democratic party. Sort of a demented old hotdog sandwich. Doing his damn-est to hogtie Trump and keep him from the poles. Fine, if they want to play that way… GoFundMe came to mind. The old man smiled…

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The thing that does in the human race.

In the not too distant future TV coverage and the internet will be almost exclusively commercials. At some point they will drop of the informative coverage altogether.

At that point the advertisers will be advertising to vastly smaller group who will have become adept a ignoring the ads anyway. Following swiftly will be the end of capitalistic societies leaving a few dictatorships. And the key is no one will see it coming. But first, a brief word from our sponsors…

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The question!

The question you all have to ask yourselves on 2024, is whether you want a clown like Joe Biden for four more years as President or anyone else. For instance a duck with chronic diarrhea! Quack quack!

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He should be kicked out of the country!

“The good of the masses shall supersede the good of the minority.” To with Joe Biden should be removed from his office and from this country.

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At some point the southern border will..

A) Devolve into a wide open grab for land by the rest of the world!

B) Become a shooting war by US citizens!

C) Readers choice! You pick the outcome!

Frankly I would go for B. But, I wouldn’t be surprised if Americans continue to hunker down and wait to someone anyone to rescue them. But, I fear the Cartel has grown to strong for even the US Government to repel.

The end result will be an all new government for us chickens. The Cartel will dictate what Americans do from now on.

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Looks like I was right about war!

Back in December of 2023, I made a prediction that we would be involved in a major was before the end of January 2024. Well President Biden didn’t disappoint as he ordered over 70 strikes aimed at hitting storage containers in Yemen. These storage containers reportedly contain drones destined for Hamas in Gaza.

Yemen was taken over by extremists Houyhi back in 2014 and are devout friends of Hamas. They have authorized more that 27 missile strikes at both US and British shipping interests in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Arden.

So, here we go. On to war with the prime mover, Iran! I can guarantee Biden will fuck things up!

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Disease X posed to strike!

Global health experts are warning of a new pandemic, dubbed ‘Disease X’ by the World Health Organization, that could be 20 times deadlier than Covid-19 and potentially claim 50 million lives. This looming threat could strike at any moment and is likely to have a far greater impact than Covid, which caught the world off guard in early 2020.

Boy just when we thought we could catch a breather.

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Imagine if you would that Biden wins!

The largest scam of history unfolds before your eyes! Forever more, about half the country will be seen as traitors. But its not their fault. Look no further that inside the deep recesses of our government. A dedicated assembly of individuals has deliberately mislead a large number of citizens. And now it’s too late. Good job.

We the Deplorables! Imagine if you would, the week after the election, where you will find that Biden/Harris won by a landslide. What do you think? What do you do with for more years of their kind of non-leadership?

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