I Live in a Small Town

No I cannot forget where it is that I came from

I cannot forget the people who love me

Yeah, I can be myself here in this small town

And people let me be just what I want to be

These words were part of a song called ‘Small Town’ written and sung by John Mellencamp sometime around 1985 reminds me of my small town. I live in a town with a small town feel, because…well…it’s a small town. In order to qualify, as a small town, it needs to have a population of under 7000. If you live someplace with more people running around than that, you are not in a small town. You are living in a city. It could be a small city, but it is a city none the less. I’ve lived in a city before and can’t say I really liked it very much. With me, it’s all about visibility. In a city you have limited visibility that becomes worst with increasing size. At some point, say the size of Washington, you actually become invisible for all extents and purposes. In a city the size of New York, it’s like you cease to exist! I prefer to be visible and to exist. So I live in a small town.

About forsythkid

I am just a simple man with a head full of sand who currently resides in a small town called Forsyth Missouri. I enjoy blogging and politics. I received my degree from SIU majoring in Biology in 1972 and still maintain a great interest in the study of all living things. My hobbies include meteorology and inhabiting cyberspace whenever possible.
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