Arctic cold knocking on our door!

SW MO. – It was February the 8th, 2021 and my hometown area located in southwest Missouri was getting its fair share of a cold arctic frontal system that brought a bit freezing rain to my small town of Forsyth Missouri.

Feb 2015 was another stretch of really cold temps!

So, it was shaping up to be a very frigid span of ten days! where the average temperatures were going to start at the freezing mark (6th – 9th) and then head on south for a big polar finale beginning Saturday the 13th through Monday the 15th.

I had planned ahead and had stocked up on groceries, in the days prior to the work week, and could therefore stay home if I needed to. And, on the day of this post (Feb 10), it looking like much of my area was in for a spate of freeing rain. Not a lot, mind you, but just enough to cause some potential problems for motorists out on the roads.

Looking forward, Wed Feb 10 and Sat Feb the 13th could also prove to be problematic. Saturday was also forecast to see the temps drop to zero degrees overnight.

With any luck, this will be the last big hurrah as far as really cold weather goes, leaving us with only the occasional snowfall, between now and Spring, which officially begins on March 20. So, between now and then, please stay warm and safe!

About forsythkid

I am just a simple man with a head full of sand who currently resides in a small town called Forsyth Missouri. I enjoy blogging and politics. I received my degree from SIU majoring in Biology in 1972 and still maintain a great interest in the study of all living things. My hobbies include meteorology and inhabiting cyberspace whenever possible.
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